Main » 2014 » August » 06
HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE (Jn 3:30) What the world wants is not more of you and I. But what the world longs for is More of Christ. When Jesus begun his work on earth, all those who were running to John now turned to the saviour. John was not disturbed at all because He knew that Jesus is the real person the world must run after. If you are a minister of the gospel, what you need to give out is not more of your eloquence and your skills, but more of Jesus and his love. If you are not a minister of the gospel, what you have to look for is not more of men and their skills, but more of Christ. Every child of God must decrease in his flesh, so that the Christ in him will increase. He must increase, but as for me, I must decrease.
Views: 392 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)

JESUS!! THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. (Heb 13:8) Some say; well! That was then. Now, we are in a modern world, the 21st century and things have really changed! But the truth is that, things may change, but Jesus never changes. If you go to the library and you want any book about Jesus, dont go to history stand, but go straight to current affairs (news) and you will find some GOOD NEWS there. This is because, the miracles and message of Jesus is not some old history but it is a living news. He is more current than heaven and earth: heaven and earth will pass away (become history) but Jesus is forever. He is not only forever, but He never changes to. Because things are chainging in the world and arround you does'nt mean that Jesus has changed. He is the same!
Views: 356 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)

GET IT IN YOUR HEART. (Mark 11:23) Years ago I have been trying to memorize Scriptures into my head, thinking by that, I will get great results. Though memorizing scriptures is not bad, I later discovered that faith is not of the HEAD, it is not to have his word in your head that shows that you know him (because satan himself knows the word of God in his head). But faith is of the heart. having his word in my heart and believing it. The word of GOD is the most active force, but it will not prove active if you continue keep it in your head. If you have thousands of verses in your head while I have only one verse in my heart, I will get result and you will continue to sit there. You therefore have to transfer it to your heart. You have to begin to eat his word into your Spirit (Jer 15:16) through revelational knowledge. Get his word in your heart and Speak it. Good evening
Views: 366 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)

MARRIED TO CHRIST (Rom 7:2-4) A woman by law is bond to her husband as long as he lives. But when he dies, the woman is permitted to marry another husband. In the same way, we were married to the law and sin and we brought forth fruits unto death. Paul said that what I wanted to do, I could not but what I hate, I do. What a wretched man I am. (Who can deliver me from this marriage to the law and sin)? But thanks be to God through Jesus, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death. Therefore as many as believe are dead to the law and sin through the body of Christ and are now free to be married to another man, even the man Jesus Christ. Now therefore, if we be married to Christ, contrary to the previous marriage, we must bring forth good fruits to God.
Views: 347 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)

HE STAGGERED NOT IN UNBELIEVE (Rom 4:17-21) Abraham knew that his body was dead (because of his age) as well as the womb of Sarah. But when God promised that he will become a father of many nations, Abraham did not consider his body and sarah's womb. The old age of Abraham was a fact, the barreness of Sarah's womb was also a fact, but the word of God is The Truth. He staggered not in unbelieve, but he gave glory to God for His promise. Whatever the word of God says concerning you, dont consider how dead things are. Just believe!! For blessed is she that believe, for there shall be a performance of The things that the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Luke 1:45)
Views: 351 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)

NO FLESH SHOULD GLORY (1 Cor 1:27-31) Organizations and companies look for strong, competence and wise men who can make worldly decisions. But God looks for Available, humble men who have consecrated themselves to be used. God does not need a man with his own strength because He has more than enough strength for whoever he chooses. Dont even think about your wisdom, He gives supernatural wisdom to his servants. He used Fishermen who knew nothing but to catch fish Many think God will use a wise strong intelligent man. But if He does, that man will begin to glory in the wisdom he has. God is a jealous God who cannot share his glory with anyone. He choses the things which are Not, those that are despised. SO THAT NO FLESH SHOULD GLORY IN HIS PRESENCE
Views: 412 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-06 | Comments (0)