Main » 2014 » August » 6 » HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE.
8:11 PM
HE MUST INCREASE, BUT I MUST DECREASE (Jn 3:30) What the world wants is not more of you and I. But what the world longs for is More of Christ. When Jesus begun his work on earth, all those who were running to John now turned to the saviour. John was not disturbed at all because He knew that Jesus is the real person the world must run after. If you are a minister of the gospel, what you need to give out is not more of your eloquence and your skills, but more of Jesus and his love. If you are not a minister of the gospel, what you have to look for is not more of men and their skills, but more of Christ. Every child of God must decrease in his flesh, so that the Christ in him will increase. He must increase, but as for me, I must decrease.
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