Main » 2014 » August » 6 » GET IT IN YOUR HEART
8:05 PM
GET IT IN YOUR HEART. (Mark 11:23) Years ago I have been trying to memorize Scriptures into my head, thinking by that, I will get great results. Though memorizing scriptures is not bad, I later discovered that faith is not of the HEAD, it is not to have his word in your head that shows that you know him (because satan himself knows the word of God in his head). But faith is of the heart. having his word in my heart and believing it. The word of GOD is the most active force, but it will not prove active if you continue keep it in your head. If you have thousands of verses in your head while I have only one verse in my heart, I will get result and you will continue to sit there. You therefore have to transfer it to your heart. You have to begin to eat his word into your Spirit (Jer 15:16) through revelational knowledge. Get his word in your heart and Speak it. Good evening
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