Tender justice with mercy is the saying of the world. But with the Lord, mercy comes first and Justice follows to perfect mercy. Because when there is mercy without justice, there will be disorder and lawlessness. Many hide under the umbrella of "God is merciful" and we forget that He is also a just God. We are to take advantage of Gods mercy and repent so that when justice is been done, we will not be victims. For now, He is merciful with the flag of forgiveness. But when He comes back, He will come as a Just God with the barner of Justice towards all who did not make good use of his grace mercy. Take the opportunity of Gods grace mercy now and amend your ways before him because when He comes, JUSTICE WILL BE DONE.
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A lady once faced some trials and her friends concluded that,she can never get through those trials. But God helped her through victoriously and when her friends heard about the victory, it Motivated them to trust more in the lord. Before Jesus died, there were great signs from Heaven. This signs cleared the doubts of Those who stood by and they exclaimed "SURELY THIS MAN WAS THE SON OF GOD (Mk 15:39)." Peter said that it is time for judgement to begin and if it begins with the house of God, what will the end ( outcome) be to those who don't believe? If you stand before God today to give account of your life, what will the outcome be to others? Will they hear your judgement and give up or repent ? Will they be encouraged or lose hope What will your end be to others?
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When we stand in battle, many tend to look at their physical abilities and make conclusions. Goliath looked at david and laughed because, he saw David too tiny to come against him .|Though David was not strong, he had a God. He looked at Goliath and smiled because, he saw Goliath too insignificant for his God. When David was dressed with battle garment, he felt uncomfortable because the battle was not between him and Goliath but between Goliath and his God. He believed that a pebble from his God is mightier than millions of weapons of God. For they that know their God, shall be strong and do exploits- Daniel 11:32. whatever Goliath that stands in your life so giant in the face of men, as David did, look not at your ability but look at your God. Stop comparing yourself to Goliath and start comparing that Goliath to God. it is not about your strength, it is about GOD
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