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The concept of being a Christian is in one way or the other being twisted in this generation. Following personally after Jesus has become following only after the programs of a church. Hearing the voice of the master has become hearing only the voice of the pastor. “My pastor says” is now superior to “the Lord says”. Instead of being concerned about the appearance of the inner man (the heart) before the Lord, we are now more concerned about the appearance of our outer garment before our friends. In summary, we have drifted from CHRISTIANITY to CHURCHIANITY

The name a Christian cannot be assumes by any person at all. The disciples were given this name because they walked, Spoke and acted like Jesus. They were not called Christians because they were in a church building, but they were accorded that name while they passed by. But now, many assume the title “Christian” because they have been to ... Read more »

Views: 593 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-11-02 | Comments (0)

BEAUTIFUL BODY BUT UGLY SPIRIT AND SOUL (Luke 12:5) Jesus said in matt 10:28, Luke 12:5 that we should not fear he that can kill the flesh but cannot kill the soul, but rather he who is able to kill both the body, soul and spirit in Hell. Jesus was just drawing our attention that we should not be more careful about our bodies than the soul and Spirit because if the body is destroyed, there is no cause for alarm, but if the soul and spirit is destroyed in hell, that is the end of you. But what do we see these days? Many of us can Spend several hours in the saloon, bathhouses and in front of the mirror just to give the body a good look but we are not ready to spend just half 20 mins in the word of God which is capable of giving our soul and Spirit a good look. THIS IS AN ERROR UNDER THE SUN. PLEASE NEVER MAKE THIS ERROR AT ALL. evangmatthew.blogspot.com Good evening
Views: 572 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-24 | Comments (0)


God’s Wrath (Rom 1:18, John 3:36)

Many people nowadays only consider one side of God without looking at the other side of God. We are always ready to hear the LOVE, GRACE and MERCY aspect of God but we pay little or no attention to the other side of God.

The other side of God is His judgment and wrath; God is just and He does not compromise at all. He demonstrated His love for us so that we can embrace it and run away from His wrath. So if you refuse to embrace the love of God that He demonstrated through Jesus and walk in Him, then the wrath of God will embrace you at the appearing of Christ. For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven above against the unrighteousness and ungodliness of men…(Rom 1 :18) How many of us Can withstand  God’s anger if it is to be poured on us? If you cannot withstand it just like me, then let us put off the things of darkness and put on the armor of light (ROM 13:12) Rem: D ... Read more »

Views: 533 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-23 | Comments (0)

THE END OF THE LAW By Matthew bidinlib For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. - Romans 10:4 The law was given to Israel so that they would live by it, in other words, it was given to bring life. That is why Paul described the righteousness that came by the law in this wise; the man who does it, will live by it i.e. it was to bring or impact life in a perilous nation. In other for the law to give life, the people must do all that it says (Thou shall not do this or that). Therefore we can say that the end of the law is life but the law could not impact this life, not because the law was bad, for the law was good. For by their fruits thou shall know them. And since God is a good God, then all He does is surely God. “Romans 7:7 wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” The only problem was the people. They were always faulty by the standards of the law. The law required absolute obedience which the people could not m ... Read more »
Views: 553 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-17 | Comments (0)

THE END OF THE LAW By Matthew bidinlib For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. - Romans 10:4 The law was given to Israel so that they would live by it, in other words, it was given to bring life. That is why Paul described the righteousness that came by the law in this wise; the man who does it, will live by it i.e. it was to bring or impact life in a perilous nation. In other for the law to give life, the people must do all that it says (Thou shall not do this or that). Therefore we can say that the end of the law is life but the law could not impact this life, not because the law was bad, for the law was good. For by their fruits thou shall know them. And since God is a good God, then all He does is surely God. “Romans 7:7 wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.” The only problem was the people. They were always faulty by the standards of the law. The law required absolute obedience which the people could not m ... Read more »
Views: 571 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-17 | Comments (0)

WRITE HIS WORD ON YOUR HEART (Heb 8:10 10:16). As I walked through town one Saturday, a young man who was confused about some few things asked me a questions. He asked me whether it is good to carry your bible on a phone or tablet or to carry the hard copy of the bible around, and what will happen if you meet the devil on the way? Will you show him your Phone or tablet? Well! Probably you may also be wondering which is right. As I stood before him, the Lord said ?THE BEST IS TO HAVE MY WORD ON YOUR HEART?, for I will make a new covenant with my people and with this covenant, I will write my law in their minds and write them on their hearts (Heb 8:10). If you have His word in your heart, you go everywhere with it, even to the bathhouse and washroom and when you face any problem or challenge, you begin to speak it out. Make sure you have His word in your heart.. Rem DDWJWD.Enjoy ur evening in the Lord
Views: 557 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-15 | Comments (0)

ETERNAL EXCELLENCY (ISA 60:15, Phil 3:8) The world addresses His/Her Excellency is a title to people of higher rank especially presidents, and many of us especially those in pursuit of academics chase after excellence. Today, I want to tell you about a much more glorious excellence. If you have a bible, open to Phil 3:8. Paul was a man who chased after worldly power and excellence, but when he encountered this glorious excellence, he left all he had to pursue it. This excellence is the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ. Paul said that I count all a lost for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ (Phil 3:8-kjv). According to Isa 60:15, this Excellency is not an ordinary one like that of the president, but an eternal one. Therefore those who pursue after this Knowledge are called HIS/HER ETERNAL EXCELLENCY. For this cause, from today, my name now begins with “his eternal excellency”. What about you? Rem Don't DO What Jesus would not Do.
Views: 625 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-14 | Comments (0)

GOD SO HATE SIN (Acts 17:30-31) Though God is loving, He is also a Just God. Today, I want you to consider these few words For God so hate sin, that He commands all men to repent, that whosoever does not repents, will not have life but perish in everlasting fire (Hell). The main reason that God so loved the world and gave Jesus is because God so hate sin. Make sure you embrace His love today.
Views: 510 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-10-14 | Comments (0)

FORGIVENESS (PART 1) (Luke 17:3,4) The act of bridging every gap of misunderstanding, mistrust and enmity that cause separation between two entities. The separation could be physical, psychological emotional or spiritual. Though it is not easy to forgive, the easiest deal one can get is to forgive. That is; You may find it difficult to forgive, but you will face more difficulties if you don’t forgive. You may be thinking that “You don’t know what this person has done to me”. That is true! I may not know what that person has done to you, but I surely know what unforgiveness will do to you. It will store up wrath for you on the Day of Judgement. Go out there with a heart of forgiveness. Remember; DONT DO WHAT JESUS WILL NOT DO
Views: 525 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-09 | Comments (0)

JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST (Rom 8:16-17) Some people still think that it is a crime to say that I am a joint-heir with my LORD Jesus. They think I am trying to be God. No! I am not trying to be God. I just want to be what the bible says I am. I want to be LIKE CHRIST. Jesus is THE SON of God and the bible says that as many as believe in THE SON of God are given power to become sons of God. So I believe in THE SON and He has made me A SON. That is, to become An Heir, you have to believe in THE HEIR (Jesus). So I dont claim to be a joint-heir with Him, but I Just believe in The Heir and HE gave me power to become who I am: HIS JOINT-HEIR. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our Spirit that we are Children of God, and if children, then heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ. ARE YOU A JOINT-HEIR WITH CHRIST?
Views: 571 | Added by: SCRIPTURE | Date: 2014-08-08 | Comments (0)

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